Mars, Venus and Beyond – The Nine Day Relationship Makeover
In this new and revolutionary program by John Gray, you will learn to create the brain chemistry of Health, Happiness and Lasting Romance. Not only will you enjoy lasting love but you will feel better, experience increased energy and experience a new freedom from unhealthy food cravings.
In addition to exploring the relationship skills necessary for optimal brain chemistry in this nine day program, John also reveals his new revolutionary diet and exercise program based on gender difference.
In one four week test, besides feeling great, overweight men and women lost a minimum of four pounds a week. Models, athletes and individuals who were not overweight found that they good eat what they wanted and not starve themselves.
With 60% of the population overweight, the sad truth today is that for most people over thirty and for many of our children, diet and exercise programs just do not work. By treating the brain first with new communication strategies, brain exercises, specific nutritional and hormone balancing exercises you can get the results you are seeking. This program is for both individuals and couples and it is certainly not limited to people who are overweight.