With his first three books, The Hidden Messages in Water, The True Power of Water, and The Secret Life of Water, Masaru Emoto’s insight into water has reached millions of adults around the world, and now their children have the opportunity to learn about the power of water too. This delightful and beautifully illustrated children’s book teaches young readers ages four to eight about the importance of water, how we use it, and its direct relationship to living things. A comprehensive and easy-to-understand guide, the book distills challenging concepts into simple explanations, passing along Emoto’s positive environmental-friendly philosophy to the new generation. In addition, children and their families will enjoy spending time together doing water-related experiments, such as learning how to make clouds disappear and creating their own water crystals. Emoto’s first children’s book provides families with a comprehensive, easy-to-understand guide into the vast wonders of water and will help prepare the younger generation to carry Emoto’s message forward.
Hardcover, 32 pages, 9”x9”